
Home gardening


It is a great opportunity to teach our children more about nature and the world around them.

we can start with a

  •  Plot in the backyard,
  • Window boxes or
  • Containers,

depending on what we want to grow.

We need not worry about making the garden look perfect. Because this is just a learning experience for us.

          Tools to be used should be safe, keep it in mind our children also are to use them. Do it before embarking on a family garden, so our children and elders in family can participate in the day-to-day care of the garden too!

Also consult them on what they want to grow so they feel they have a part in the process. That way everyone feels they have a piece of the garden that belongs to them.

Steps to follow

  1. Select Site
    1. With plenty of sun light & Partially shaded area
    2. Water should seep in or flow away quickly if not create raised beds
    3. With Good soil
  2. Prepare Soil
    1. Remove roots
    2. Remove rocks

Growing vegetables in raised beds have many benefits, not only they improve the productivity of the vegetable garden but also makes the planning and planting easier. Like if you have the problem of poor soil you can fill up the beds with quality topsoil. Raised can also save you from back strain as you don’t have to bend over again and again to harvest the crops. Fewer crawling pests and weeds are also the advantages.

raised2  raised1

In case of lack of space, we can go for Vertical Gardens

  1. Installing wall planters,
  2. Railing planters
  3. Hanging baskets to support crops


For Climbing vegetables,

  1. Stakes,
  2. Fences,
  3. Trellises
  4. Cages will help.

climbers2climbers    climbers3.jpeg


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